Right-of-way (ROW) asset management is a critical function that involves the identification, evaluation, and maintenance of assets located within the ROW. One specific aspect of ROW asset management is sign inventory. A sign inventory involves the systematic and regular assessment of signs located within the ROW to ensure that they are in good condition, visible, and compliant with regulations. Sign inventory can be a complex process, requiring extensive data collection and analysis to determine the number, type, location, and condition of signs. Effective sign inventory management involves the use of advanced technology, such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), to facilitate the collection, storage, and analysis of sign inventory data. This data can then be used to plan and prioritize sign maintenance and replacement activities, ensuring that signs are properly maintained, and that that they effectively communicate important information to drivers and pedestrians.
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Tuesday, 15 August 2023
All times in US (Denver) Mountain time
Modernizing Right-of-Way Management with GIS
Linda M. Foster, PLS, GISP, MGIS, Global Manager | Land Records/Cadastre, Esri
Organizations are rethinking their use and management of right-of-way (ROW) as they prepare for the next generation of infrastructure. Whether to better understand the configuration and extent, be confident in knowing what and where assets are located within the ROW, monitor encroachments, or ensure regulatory compliance, managing ROW and its assets is a spatial business. Learn how today’s GIS enables data-driven decision-making to protect, enforce, and maintain the ROW as we plan for tomorrow’s infrastructure.

What’s your sign? Sign and Pole Management
Greg Jameson, GIS Technician, City of Grimes, Iowa
The rapidly growing of City of Grimes, Iowa, recognized the importance of optimizing its sign, pole, and streetlight management practices and embarked on a journey to implement ESRI's Sign Management Solution. This robust software solution provided us with the tools and capabilities to streamline sign, pole, and streetlight management processes, improve inspection and maintenance workflows, and enhance communication and collaboration among departments.

Collection and Leverage of Sign Assets
Phil Ponce, PE, Vice-President/Owner, Engineering Mapping Solutions, Inc
Historically sign assets collection has been expensive and time-consuming, but is a necessary step to leverage asset management systems or view field assets. To streamline planning, inventory, inspection, and O&M workflows, the ability to visualize data increases efficiency. Once collected, tracking maintenance activities, both current and historical, together with analytics, eliminates redundancies and reduces costs. Learn about field collection methods and tools with data deployment on the web, plus future leveraging of AI.

11:15am - 11:30am
Industry Solution Provider Panel/Audience Q&A
Moderator: Barbara Ryan, Executive Director, WGIC
Linda M. Foster, PLS, GISP, MGIS, Global Manager | Land Records/Cadastre, Esri
Greg Jameson, GIS Technician, City of Grimes, Iowa
Dr. Nikolas Smilovsky, Geospatial Solutions Director, Bad Elf
Phil Ponce, PE, Vice-President/Owner, Engineering Mapping Solutions, Inc
Dan Wickens, ArcGIS Solutions Product Engineer, Esri
Chris Fox, Infrastructure Solution Lead, Esri
A roundtable discussion among industry solution providers and presenters, focusing on ROW Permitting & Sign Management, followed by live audience questions and answers.


MODERATOR: Barbara Ryan
Executive Director
World Geospatial Industry Council

Under Barbara Ryan’s leadership, millions of satellite images have been made available to the general public at no charge, allowing scientists, planners, and policy makers to make better-informed decisions on a range of environmental problems. Her advocacy for revamping the 36-year-old Landsat Data Policy (in 2008) has resulted in annual economic benefits of $2.1B globally. Barbara’s career began in 1974 at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) where she spent the next 34 years working in seven States and Washington, D.C. From 2008 to 2012, she was Director of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Space Programme, and from 2012 to 2018, Ryan was the Secretariat Director of the intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) in Geneva, Switzerland. In January 2021, Barbara became the second Executive Director of the World Geospatial Industry Council (WGIC), a global not-for-profit trade association of private-sector companies working in the geospatial and Earth observation ecosystem. Her interests build on a long career in environmental governance, science and technology, and international collaboration. She is a strong advocate for open data policies, the integration of Earth observations, and hyper-partnering to ensure that existing and planned resources can be more effectively used to address the significant environmental and social issues facing the world today.

Linda M. Foster, PLS, GISP, MGIS
Global Manager | Land Records/Cadastre

Linda Foster oversees Esri’s worldwide strategic vision for land records, cadastre, surveying, and land administration. Long recognized as a champion for bringing GIS and geospatial technologies to unique and challenging situations, she has spent much of her career improving the outcomes of timeless, lands-based challenges. A leader in professional organizations, she is currently serving on the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) board of directors, has served as a mentor for the URISA mentorship network, and led statewide design of low distortion projections for inclusion in the National Geodetic Survey’s (NGS) upcoming datum updates. Foster is a registered professional land surveyor and certified GIS professional. She also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geological Engineering, and a Master’s degree in GIS from Penn State University.

Dr. Nikolas Smilovsky, PhD, GISP
Geospatial Solutions Director
Bad Elf LLC

Nikolas Smilovsky, PhD, GISP is a Geospatial Evangelist, Solutions Provider, and Educator, as well as Geospatial Solutions Director with Bad Elf. For nearly two decades Nik has focused his efforts on the professional and academic expansion of the geospatial professions. Whether working for a plethora of different types of private consulting firms collecting, analyzing, and displaying geographic data or working as an academic, researching and contributing to the corpus of educational knowledge, his passion in life is geography. As an energetic and enthusiastic public speaker, teacher, and thought leader he has enjoyed sharing successes with others and seeing them flourish. Specifically, his interests in the geospatial fields include the geography of behavior, sustainable and resilient geodesign, geographic science pedagogy (especially online education), and geospatial technologies as a whole. Nik loves innovative GIS tech and is a Geoholic! He is also a certified arborist, UAS Remote Pilot and Esri ArcGIS professional.

Phil Ponce
Vice President and Owner
Engineering Mapping Solutions, Inc

Phil and Marty Shaeffer founded Engineering Mapping Solutions (EMS) in 1995 in Phoenix, AZ. With a focus on GIS utility mapping, EMS delivers world-class engineering-based digital data solutions based in best-practices data design, conversion, and custom software applications.

Daniel Wickens
ArcGIS Solutions Product Engineer

Daniel Wickens is a Product Engineer on the State and Local Government ArcGIS Solutions Team. He focuses on the Infrastructure community and has a strong interest in public works solutions. Daniel has nearly a decade of technical experience applying GIS in the state and local government space.
Bad Elf GNSS receivers deliver affordable accuracy through easy-to-use hardware supported by continuously evolving firmware, apps, and cloud services. Founded in 2010, Bad Elf created the first Made for iOS external GPS accessory and now enables high performance location services for all mobile platforms.
The World Geospatial Industry Council is an association of companies representing the entire ecosystem of geospatial industry. WGIC endeavors to enhance the role of the geospatial industry and strengthen its contribution in global economy and society. We facilitate exchange of knowledge within the geospatial industry and co-creation of larger business opportunities for the geospatial industry. We represent business interest, share perspectives of the geospatial industry and undertake policy advocacy and dialogue with public authorities, multilateral agencies and other relevant bodies.
Geographic Technologies Group (GTG) is committed to advancing the science of location intelligence and geospatial technology. We want to inspire, push the envelope, break through boundaries, solve problems, and introduce a new kind of decision support. We go beyond location intelligence to plan, design, build, implement, transform, and maintain. We use spatial information to empower understanding, influence the decision-making process, offer new insights, reveal new data relationships, predict events, engage and educate the community, and solve problems of the future. The ultimate outcome is a smarter, more resilient, and sustainable government. We create location intelligent organizations!