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Federal Funding Opportunities and
Nationwide High-Precision Transportation Map Data

Presented by

Leveraging the power of high-precision off-the-shelf RoW transportation data to empower planning and critical decision-making for state and local governments

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Tuesday, October 4, 2022


Ecopia uses advanced AI-based mapping systems to extract high-precision mapping data using the latest aerial imagery for every state across the US. This mapping data is being used to support a number of Long and Short Range Planning initiatives for DoTs, MPOs, and the Federal government to support applications like:


  • Active Transportation Inventories and Plans

  • Multi-Modal Transportation Planning and Modeling

  • Location-Based Vision Zero Analysis

  • ADA Inventories and Transition Planning

  • Rapid Change Detection for Climate Resilient Systems


At the end of this session, members will understand how their peers are using the pre-built network data to bolster performance based-programming, accelerate green initiatives, and support funding requests across the country. Attendees will receive a complimentary federal funding cheat sheet for planning data acquisition incorporating the latest IIJA formula and competitive programs.


Key Takeaways: 

  • How to find funding for maps that are already created

  • Funding opportunities for national Right-of-Way content


  • GIS Professionals & Geospatial Analysts

  • Transportation & Regional Planners

  • City Federal, State, Regional, and Local

  • Transportation Professionals

  • City/Urban Planners

  • Geospatial Information Officers

  • Mapping Technology Decision Makers

  • Smart City Innovation Leaders

  • State and Local Government CIOs

  • CTOs, and IT directors

  • Public Works Asset Managers

  • Parks & Recreation

  • Transportation Departments

  • Government & Municipal DOT Officials

  • Traffic & Transit Engineers

  • Transit Planners and Administrators

  • Drafters & Surveyors

  • Engineering & Design Consultants

  • Geospatial Application Developers

  • Project Engineers & Managers

  • Public Works Managers & Roadway

  • Maintenance Supervisors

  • Enterprise Asset Managers & DBAs



Tuesday, October 4, 2022
All times in US Mountain time


11:00am - 11:30am

Federal Funding Opportunities & National Transportation Map Data from Aerial Imagery

Bill Singleton, Vice President, Ecopia AI
Troy Simpson, Transportation Specialist, Ecopia AI

Ecopia will introduce our National Program which is being supported by NOAA and DoTs across the country to build country-wide Transportation Right-of-Way map data from the latest aerial imagery.  During this session, attendees will learn how Municipal and State Planning Agencies are currently leveraging off-the-shelf high-precision mapping data from Ecopia to improve decision-making for a number of transportation planning initiatives and applications.


Time will also be reserved to go over a “cheat sheet” of a number of Federal funding vehicles designed to help local and state officials access federal funding to help with planning, safety, and environmental initiatives.


11:30am - 12:10pm

Municipal Map Data for Good! How communities are using basemaps
for Long Term Planning and Vision Zero Initiatives


David Wasserman, Data Science Practice Leader,  Alta Planning + Design

Leah Shahum, Founder & Executive Director, Vision Zero Network

Moderator: Bill Singleton, Ecopia AI

This session will host representatives from Vision Zero, the MPO community, and the civil engineering industry as we discuss how high-precision mapping data can help make communities safer, more equitable, and easier to traverse with a focus on discussing best practices in advancing planning and transportation infrastructure initiatives.


12:10pm - 12:30pm

Federal Funding Opportunities + Panel Q&A


David Wasserman, Data Science Practice Leader,  Alta Planning + Design

Leah Shahum, Founder & Executive Director, Vision Zero Network

Moderator: Bill Singleton, Ecopia AI

Ecopia and our panelists will field application-specific and funding questions from the audience to help promote understanding of the best ways they can access funding to help improve short and long-term planning initiatives in some of the previous applications stated above.



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MODERATOR: Bill Singleton

Vice President, Ecopia AI

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Bill Singleton is the Vice President at Ecopia AI and has been with the company for 7 years. His main responsibility is engaging with geospatial analytics partners to find new ways of combining vector base maps with alternate data sets to help public & private entities better understand and improve the communities in which they operate.  Previously, he spent 5 years working in enterprise sales at Cisco Systems Canada, providing data center and voice solutions. Following this, he graduated with an MBA from the Ivey School of Business with a focus on entrepreneurship and managing high-growth companies.

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David Wasserman

Data Science Practice Leader, Alta Planning + Design

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David Wasserman, AICP, is Data Science Practice Leader with Alta Planning + Design.  He works at the intersection of urban informatics, 3D visualization, geospatial analytics, and visual storytelling. He brings years of experience and passion to applying scientific computing, spatial analysis, and scenario-focused storytelling toward the development of effective transportation planning solutions tailored to enable accessible and resilient communities. His current focus areas are enabling data-informed scenario planning, identifying how to align community goals to metrics to track progress towards them, incorporating civic data science into projects with web-delivery and computer vision derived datasets, and generating accessibility metrics that can identify the possible benefits of projects and who they go to.

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Leah Shahum

Founder & Executive Director, Vision Zero Network

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Leah Shahum is the Founder and Director of the Vision Zero Network, a national campaign supporting cities working toward Vision Zero — zero traffic fatalities and severe injuries. The Network helps communities develop and share best practices for safe mobility for all road users. As a German Marshall Fund Fellow, Leah researched Vision Zero strategies in Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands. Prior to that, she was the Executive Director of the 10,000-member San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, which promotes bicycling for everyday transportation. Leah formerly served on the Boards of Directors of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway & Transportation District and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. 

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Troy Simpson

Transportation Specialist, Ecopia AI

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Troy Simpson is a former MPO planner with broad experience in grant writing, program design and delivery, as well as ADA accessibility and bicycle and pedestrian planning. He is passionate about elevating the quality of GIS data for the non-motorized transportation environment to develop performance measures and accelerate improvements equitably

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