Sponsorship Opportunities
ConnectMii's Asset Mapping Geospatial Virtual Events continue to bring leading industry experts, geospatial media partners and a wide variety of participants to create engaging, educational virtual events in our interconnected world. The virtual format makes it easier to attract more experts to take time from their busy schedules and agree to present – much less time and resource commitment than a physical conference. These events attract more attendees who are working from home or from an office, allowing them to pick and choose which session to attend, or to watch the archive videos of the recorded sessions post event at their convenience. Participating speakers and/or sponsors have access to the native MP4 video file to share internally at their organization or with customers for future use. If you have any additional questions, please contact us for more information.
Sponsor companies will be featured on various marketing materials on Asset Mapping Events and our media partners,
including but not limited to:
Event Online Postings
Banner Ads
Editorial Page Advertisements
Press Releases
Social Media Posts
Our marketing database includes:
Over 120,000
Local, state, national governmental agencies
GIS professionals
Planning/Zoning officials
Parks and recreation Directors
Assessors CAD/Drafting Professionals
City Managers/Municipal officials
Engineers Delivery/Operations
Professionals Electrical Engineers
Engineering/Design Professionals
Environmental Engineers
Environmental Specialists
Fire/Wildfire Mitigation Professionals
Fleet Professionals GIS Professionals
Highway/Transportation Officials
Infrastructure Managers
Professionals Maintenance
Operations Professionals Municipal
Financial Managers Network
Design/Planning Professionals
Public Safety/Law Enforcement professionals
Fire Safety professionals
Photogrammetrists/Remote Sensing
Professionals Public Works Directors
Public Works Professionals
Right-Of-Way Professionals
Structural Engineers/Designers
Subsurface Engineers
Architects Traffic/Lighting
Professionals Transportation
Engineers Utilities
Professionals/Managers Utility
Arborists Vegetation Management
Professionals Water/Wastewater
Maintenance Professionals Wireless
Network Engineers
...and more
Social media campaigns on multi-platform marketing platforms
Global reach email marketing campaigns through global media partners
Targeted social media promotion

Using GIS for State and Local Government Asset Management EVENT SERIES
* Custom sponsorship packages available. Contact us for details and pricing info.