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JUNE 30, 2020



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The Nation's Vast Underground Utility Network and Issues that Threaten It

  • That the vast network of surface infrastructure that spans our nation is aging and in serious need of repair, replacement, and expansion – is a fact that each day we all witness. 

  • What we cannot easily see is the subsurface utility infrastructure, which is another vast network that is far greater in size and equally crucial to the nation’s daily needs. 

  • Every day, the US depends on approximately 35 million miles of this subsurface network to provide the water we drink, electricity for lights, gas to heat homes, and telecom for communications.

  • Similar to surface systems, buried infrastructure was built more than half a century ago, and is overused and deteriorating. 

  • With the subsurface corridors now over-crowded with utilities, every time workers repair, replace, or expand the surface systems, they risk damaging what lies below. 

  • Every minute of every working day a critical utility is severely damaged from construction, repair, or maintenance activities and it’s only getting worse.


8:45 - 9:00 am


Moderator: Gavin Schrock, Editor, xyHt Magazine


Reality Captured, Intelligence Delivered

Presented by: Geoff Zeiss, Principal, Between the Poles


Without accurate maps of underground infrastructure, every construction project runs a significant risk of schedule and budget overruns and causing injuries and fatalities to workers and the public. Unlike the aviation industry where reliable data is collected and is accessible to investigators to prevent other disasters from happening in the future, there is limited access to data about the location of underground infrastructure and what data is accessible is inaccurate, out-of-date and incomplete. The result is that incidents of underground damage during construction occur again and again. Underground utility damage also represents a drag of billions of dollars on national economies. Now public and private organizations around the world are implementing policies, procedures and technologies to reduce underground utility damage during excavation. In this session we are bringing together leaders in underground locating and mapping to discuss key elements of improved mapping of underground infrastructure to reduce the risk to the public and to construction schedules and budgets.


9:45 - 10:30 am

Underground Mapping - Using Detection Technologies to Detect and Map the Unseen

Presented by: Clinton Smith, Detection Systems Product Manager, Leica Geosystems

and Steve Davies, Global Trainer, Leica Geosystems Detection Solutions


Hexagon detection technologies set the standard when it comes to revealing the “Unseen” utilities, especially when site plans are not reliable, and time is of the essence.  Combing an array of underground detection solutions, with positioning information, customers can generate geo-referenced 3D images of what lies below the surface.  This session will discuss the advantages of detecting and mapping assets below ground while highlighting use cases and customer success stories using different technologies.


10:30 - 11:15 am

Mapping the Underground

Presented by: Page Tucker, CEO, ProStar Geocorp


The vast network of roads, highways, and bridges that spans our nation is aging and in serious need of replacement and expansion. In the United States alone, approximately 2.5 million miles of paved roads and highways are relied on daily to support the nation’s commerce and commuting demands. What you may not know is there is also a vast subsurface network that we cannot see and is far greater in size - It is estimated that there are over 30 million miles of buried utilities that provide our vital resources including water, electricity, gas and telecommunications. As concerns arise over the safety and reliability of the surface infrastructure, the subsurface infrastructure should share equal concern.  Every time repair, replacement, or expansion occurs on the surface systems, we risk damaging what lies below. In fact, every minute of every working day, a utility is severely damaged. To address this growing concern, state agencies, utility owners, and construction companies are turning to modern geospatial and mapping technologies. During this session we will explore a new technology that has been mandated in Colorado to address the growing concerns associated to as-built locations about infrastructure installed within the State's Right of Way.


11:15 - 12:00 noon

What Lies Beneath

Presented by: Rob Martindale, PLS - Utilities Program Manager, Colorado Dept of Transportation


The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will discuss how C.R.S.  9-1.5-101 (811 Law) impacts management of utility data, including 5G facilities, within State Highway Right of Ways. In particular, they will discuss how permitted utilities are leveraging new technologies. Utilizing asset mapping enables CDOT to efficiently gather as-built locations about infrastructure installed within the State's Right of Way.


12:00 - 12:45 pm

Montana Department of Transportation’s Approach to Utility Permitting and Mapping

Presented by: Matt King, Montana Department of Transportation, Utility Construction Supervisor

                        Eric Berkowitz, Geo.Works International, Project Director 


Montana recently revised statutes governing the installation of utilities on state highway right-of-ways. The updated Administrative Rules mandate that as part of a new permitting process accurate electronic as-builts must be submitted to the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) upon completion of construction.  An online utility permitting system has been implemented to store, manage and share the as-built information among MDT and utility owners, and indirectly with construction contractors employed by network owners. The system deployed by MDT was developed by International and facilitates the coordination of utility projects from permit request, application review and approval, environmental compliance, inspection and storage and management of 3D utility location data.





The Next Generation of Utility Network Mapping Systems and Standards

  • Mapping Requirements

  • Mapping Technologies

  • Real-world Implementations



12:45 - 1:30 pm

Natural Gas Line Distribution Mapping
Presented by:
Brant Howard, Co-Founder, CompassData Inc
Mike Gyde, CRO, CompassData Inc


The need for cost-effective, safe, and environmentally friendly energy continues to be an ever increasing need for rural communities. Subsurface Utility Mapping provides the foundation for a complete Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) processes to succeed. An accurate survey and map of the subsurface utility allows for developing strategies and making informed design decisions, managing risks, and avoiding utility conflicts and delays. Bringing an accurate surface survey together with a subsurface survey into a single geospatial model improves the overall decision making for present day operations and future planning purposes. CompassData utilizes their extensive Survey and Mapping experience combined with experts in the SUE industry to enable an accurate, efficient, cost effective integration into a geospatial based SUE development.  The use of current mapping imagery, LiDAR data, mobile mapping and survey grade ground control provides a foundation for successful decisions. Learn through examples how CompassData accomplished the utility surveys and overcome unforeseen obstacles along the way. Attend this session to learn how CompassData planned, deployed mapping teams, equipment used and how we delivered a complete Esri based GIS to support utility mapping.


Learn how CompassData provides a timely, flexible, accurate, complete, and cost-effective utility mapping solution. We to continue to help organizations gather, process, and publish utility information for efficient decision making.


1:30 - 2:15 pm

How Evolving ASCE Standards Influence SUE Data Collection and 3D Utility Mapping

Presented by:

Radek Grabowski, National SUE Production Manager, WGI
Eddie Gaytan, National SUE Field QA /Project Delivery Manager, WGI


This presentation will focus on the adoption of upcoming changes to ASCE Subsurface Utility Engineering Standards as it relates to the continuous evolution of 3D mapping of subsurface utilities, the introduction of 3D visualization of these utilities and features, and how it is influencing enhanced SUE field data collection and processing methods and technologies. We will also discuss the benefits of 3D modeling for project designs, utility conflict analysis and cost savings.


2:15 - 3:00 pm

RFID Technologies for Architecture, Engineering and Construction

Moderated by: Gavin Schrock, Editor, xyHt Magazine


Matt Behroozi, Head of Product Engineering, Omni-ID 

Brett Green, IC National Sales Manager, Impinj

Mike Klonsinski, President, Berntsen International Inc


Learn how a group of innovators came together to develop an efficient and accurate process for mapping underground assets for construction, capitalization and maintenance, including:

  • Inframaker

  • Omni ID

  • TSL



3:00 - 3:45 pm

Assessing Augmented Reality and Geographic Information Systems
Presented by: Dr. Nikolas Smilovsky, PhD, GISP, Arizona State University Faculty


This research and presentation examines, explores, and assess the accuracy and precision needed to confidently collect field data using a mobile geographic information system (GIS) application with integrated augmented reality (AR) and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The research conducted at Arizona State University (ASU) sought to determine what types of GNSS accuracy thresholds, if any, where required to collect authoritative data in the field. The team devised, programed, and constructed a mobile GIS app to map right-of-way utilities using augmented realty and various GPS hardware. A test course was determined, following pre-existing roadside utility paint markings or what is often called “bluestaking.” The course was initially surveyed and plotted by a Trimble Total Station. Sixteen total locations were recorded. The resulting dataset was the baseline of comparison for the research project, due to its absolute accuracy of terrestrial measurements. This baseline was leveraged to compare the data created by the augmented reality application and different GPS units. The team tested two integrated consumer-grade iOS GPS units, a Bad Elf 3300 Surveyor mapping-grade GPS, and a survey-grade Trimble R2 GPS. The results from the study suggest 1) there is a minimum amount of GPS accuracy needed to confidently map assets using augmented reality and GIS applications in outdoor environments, 2) the results show that consumer-grade GPS accuracies were significantly different compared to the results from the external GPS receivers, and 3) the findings of this study do not support the use of current smartphone technology with the integration of augmented reality as a viable field data collection technique. The presentation concludes with a discussion on augmented reality field data collection best management practices (BMPs). Anyone interested in augmented reality, GPS, GNSS, field data collection, or asset management would benefit from this presentation.



3:45 - 4:00 pm

Wrap-Up and Closing

Moderator: Gavin Schrock, Editor, xyHt Magazine




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